Friday, June 26, 2009

Earlier this week we left the hospitality of Marla and her two next-door-neighbors for our current abode, a shared Anglo/Korean church just down the road from Tufts, where Sally's connections have been instrumental in procuring showers for our admittedly less-than-fragrant selves. Keane is keenly appreciative of the baby grand piano and the kitchen doesn't even smell like kim chee, as we had been warned it would, though the fact that all the cupboards and drawers are labeled in Korean does tend to enliven the hunt for utensils. Indeed LT has risen admirably to the herculean task of meeting all eight of our dietary likes, dislikes, foibles, and idiosyncracies, and we can boast of such healthy meal options as ice cream for dinner and make your own pizza night. In our rapidly vanishing downtime last weekend we made it to a bike worshop with Adam - a MAPS member who had hosted us for a scrumptious vegan dinner when we biked through Lexington - but Mark's proposal to attend an open-air concert in Harvard Square was ultimately defeated by the unremitting rain. This ought not to have come as a surprise to anybody, as we'd not gone a day canvassing without our ponchos and jackets. But we are excited to see it clear up this afternoon in time for Critical Mass, where we plan to collect signatures for the petition, distribute flyers for our first symposium (!) tomorrow, and initiate conversations/build relationships. We're off now so more later.

Cheers, Lesley

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