Thursday, July 23, 2009

What page are you on?

While canvassing earlier this week I knocked on a man's door.

Hi, I said, I'm here with a petition to Repower America and make sure that we stop catastrophic climate change before it reaches the tipping point, or the point where a vicious cycle kicks in, and the climate shifts irrevocably.

Oh, well I'm not really on the same page as you are when it comes to climate change, he said.

We parted ways, but as I was walking away from his door I couldn't help but wonder, what page was he on?

Perhaps he was on the page where we allow the present course to continue and 50% of species are extinct in half a century.

Or perhaps he was on the page where we continue to rape the mountains of Appalachia, reducing beauty to a landfill.

Or maybe he was on the page where all of the glaciers melt, and the over two billion people of India and China don't have enough water to grow food.

Or quite possibly he's on the page where the climate changes enough that it is no longer suitable for the civilization we've built.

I don't know about him, but I'm on the page where 350 becomes law, where the mountains remain mountains, and where the future runs clean.

We're on the page where people say no to big business looking for profits and start looking out for themselves.

We're on the page where short term convenience doesn't hurtle us off of a cliff.

We're on the page where beauty is more important than money.

We're on the page of revolution.

What page are you on?


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